Londinium writes:
You are purchasing ONE LONDINIUM piston seal (there are three of these seals on the piston)
This item will ship from New Zealand by post and is therefore likely to take 4 weeks to arrive to most customers
The seals are only 8mm thick so we hope to send them in an envelope
These seals have been developed by LONDINIUM in New Zealand to run with very low friction without grease and provide an extended service life for the seal and also the shower screen, and to eliminate a possible source of channelling (a shower screen partially blocked with silicone grease)
These seals are not made from Viton, nor are they made from silicone, but the material is certified for use in potable water at temperatures and pressures greater than what our machines can impose on the seals
Given you are moving to a no grease seal i recommend that you replace all three piston seals, the group seal, and the shower screen at the same time
You should also take the time to carefully remove all traces of silicone grease from the sleeve and piston
If your machine is five years old or more and the sleeve seals have not been replaced we would suggest you replace them as once they leak mineral deposits from the water will form inside the group and make it more challenging to remove the group sleeve from the group - please refer to our detailed video on how to replace the sleeve seals
Also thoroughly clean inside the bottom of the group where the portafilter locks in
Use water with a drop or two of liquid dish washing detergent to ensure each seal slips over the piston rather than grabs
Dunk the piston in the water & detergent solution to make it slippery too
I use two allen keys, 2.5mm and 3mm, as 'railway tracks' to facilitate to smooth passage of the first and second seals that you fit over the seal grooves of the second and third seals respectively - if you allow the new seals to drop down into a seal groove for another seal it is a real pain; stop this from occurring with the two allen keys and fit the top seal first and the bottom seal last
Rinse the piston under a running tap once you have the 3 new piston seals fitted to wash off any traces of detergent