Channel: Kostverlorenvaart
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Compak E8 "Lucidate Red Speed Burr Set" grinder

My new Compak E8 grinder arrived just in time for Xmas. I have no tree and anyway it would not fit under the tree so I took out my sebenza and cut the box open, unpacking and installing the machine. I expect to put 10-20kg through the grinder before really putting it to the test. Jan van der Weel and I have promised a review for KTC magazine to appear in the spring 2016 issue. So there's time!

Below the list of pictures is a video of a first shot of espresso after dialing in the grinder to find the "espresso" grind, aiming for 30g of espresso in 30 seconds from 18g of grinds in the VST 18g portafilter basket, tamped with the LONDINIUM tamper and extracted on the Londinium L1-P lever machine, monitoring the flow with an Acaia Lunar coffee scale.

This specific grinder has the Lucidate "Red Speed Burr" set for lower friction and lower temperature.

A Box

Opened Box

Hopper popping out

First peek at the machine

Ready for action

Red Speed Burrs


Hopper filled

Sister E8 next to Big Brother R120

Grinder table ready, next to the little ROK (far left) and the larger HG One (far right)

YouTube version:

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