IMS - E&B Lab - Filterbasket - B702TH26SF
I bought this fine filter basket for my Vectis machine. Grinding a little coarser than needed for the standard factory basket I got a lovely extraction.
View ArticleIroast-2 resistor hack
FOB, a fellow coffee entusiast on the Dutch forum, posted about a fun little hack he did on his tiny Iroast-2 to tame the heater. Below I...
View ArticleDecember Days in Germany
Last week I was in Germany for a few days. Checked into a nice hotel in a small city where nothing much is happening. Enough stuff to read, some videos to watch in my room where I also installed the...
View ArticleSounds from the Amsat QO-100 Es'hail2 stationary satellite
Over the last 1-2 years several radio enthousiasts have mentioned the Amsat QO-100 Es'hail2 stationary satellite but so far I had no clue where to begin receiving signals from it. There seems to be...
View ArticleClove aroma coffee enhancement?
Tried to find out if the strong aroma of cloves, kept in a container with coffee beans for a week, enhances the espresso experience.The effect is very subtle. Can't say if it's advisable.Keeping some...
View ArticleCoffee-Tech FZ94 element change
After 7 years and 1033 roasts one of the three heating elements has died.Luckily Michael Wong sent me a report about how he replaced heating elements back in...
View ArticleKiwiSDR2 [radio]
Despite selling one and giving away two of the five monster vintage 'boat anchor' receivers that I had, I still enjoy listening to shartwave radio.The modern iCOM R8600 that I also have has a wider...
View ArticleCasually checking the time
Sometimes you need to know what time it is but it can seem rude to glance at your watch when you have visitors. People could think you find them boring. Now there's this. You can simply install a...
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