Making myself an espresso in the very early winter hour. Using a light roast of Bolivia Marcelino Katan, organic, roasted by Londinium, a COMPAK E8 "Lucidate Red Speed Burr Set" grinder, Londinium tamper, VST 18g basket, Acaia scales for coffee, Londinium L1-P espresso machine, VST refractometer.
Repeating a recipe that came out as the best during the previous afternoon of tasting with Jan van der Weel. VST TDS measurement for this shot improved over a previous one, thanks to specific hints and tips by Vince Fedele of VSTlabs (thanks!).
Youtube version:
The previous afternoon, Jan van der Weel and I also compared a number of shots coming from two different Compak grinders, the E8 (featured in the videos above) and the R120. Jan took the notes (see below). We aimed for identical flow and beverage weight from identical weight of grinds. With a near identical extraction % in TDS measurement, the taste was different between the shots from each grinder. While both yielded excellent shots, the R120 allowed more specific taste notes to be named.
Compak E8
18.3g in
40.2g out in 40s
9.07% TDS
20.8% extraction
well balanced espresso with a thick round moutfeel
transparent flavour is light (delicate) chocolaty, medium/ low lemony acidity
pleasant lingering aftertaste
Compak R120
18.3g in
40.65g out in 40s
9.14% TDS
21.1% extraction
well balanced espresso with a thick creamy round moutfeel
transparent flavour is light (delicate) chocolaty, bay leaves, liquorice, heavy winey, low lemony acidity
pleasant lingering aftertaste
18.3g in
40.2g out in 40s
9.07% TDS
20.8% extraction
well balanced espresso with a thick round moutfeel
transparent flavour is light (delicate) chocolaty, medium/ low lemony acidity
pleasant lingering aftertaste
Compak R120
18.3g in
40.65g out in 40s
9.14% TDS
21.1% extraction
well balanced espresso with a thick creamy round moutfeel
transparent flavour is light (delicate) chocolaty, bay leaves, liquorice, heavy winey, low lemony acidity
pleasant lingering aftertaste